Want to Help a Featured Artist?
Don’t forget the great work being done by the artists profiled in the film. Consider giving them your support!
Want to Support Little Stones?
1. Make a tax-deductible donation to support Little Stones or any of the women featured in the documentary via our sister nonprofit Driftseed.
2. Host a community screening of the film!
3. Use the Little Stones curriculum with your students.
About this Resource Guide
This Little Stones Take Action! Resource Guide was developed by the Driftseed nonprofit team and the University of Michigan School of Education to help viewers get to work ending gender-based violence, and using art to create social change.
The following organizations are not endorsed by Driftseed or the University of Michigan but are listed to help you learn about the wide range of organizations that support women, support the arts, and challenge different forms of gender-based violence. Please research organizations before you donate or volunteer. A little bit of effort can help you spend your money and time effectively.
The following websites provide initial reviews of different organizations. These lists are by no means comprehensive.
Founded by Little Stones director/producer Sophia Kruz, cinematographer/co-producer Meena Singh, and attorney Ankita Singh, Driftseed is a nonprofit dedicated to empowering women and girls through documentary storytelling. Donations support the Little Stones education campaign as well as screenings of the film worldwide.
Donate: To End Domestic Violence
HopeLine from Verizon
HopeLine from Verizon collects no-longer used wireless phones, batteries, chargers, and accessories (in any condition from any service provider) to benefit victims and survivors of domestic violence. Donated phones are then turned into valuable resources for non-profit organizations and agencies that support domestic violence victims and survivors nationwide. HopeLine from Verizon provided funding for the Little Stones impact campaign.
National Coalition Against Domestic Violence
NACDV seeks to be the voice of victims and survivors and a catalyst for changing society to have zero tolerance for domestic violence. They do this by affecting public policy, increasing understanding of the impact of domestic violence, and providing programs and education that drive that change and support survivors.
Promundo is an organization working to include men and boys in the fight for gender justice. They conduct research, develop programs, and create campaigns and events.
Rede Nami
Founded by Panmela Castro, Rede Nami empowers women and girls and seeks to end domestic violence in Brazil—through graffiti.
Make a tax-deductible donation to Rede Nami through Driftseed.
Donate: To End Female Genital Mutilation
Grandmother Project: Change Through Culture
Grandmother Project: Change Through Culture (GMP) works towards promoting women’s health (and children’s health). It is an international organization, working primarily in Senegal, which partners with other agencies with community programs. GMP focuses on intergenerational relationships and involves elders in the movement towards gender equality in communities.
The Orchid Project
The Orchid Project collaborates with other organizations such as Tostan to create and develop programs and hold advocacy events. They focus on increasing resources and raising awareness to end female genital cutting.
Sister Fa
Support Senegalese singer and activist Sister Fa in her work to end child marriage and female genital mutilation globally.
Tostan is an international organization working with rural communities in Africa. Their goals are to improve issues surrounding human rights, literacy, child welfare, and the environment. Tostan’s Community Empowerment Program encourages communities to initiate development and social transformation, particularly in stopping female genital cutting.
Donate: To End Sex Trafficking
Apne-Aap Women Worldwide
As a grassroots organization working to end sex trafficking, Apne-Aap Women Worldwide brings together marginalized women into empowerment groups. The women work together to claim their social, legal, political, and economic rights. The organization has created approximately 150 groups in red-light districts, brothels, and slums since 2002.
Kolkata Sanved
Founded by Sohini Chakraborty, Kolkata Sanved uses dance to help heal survivors of trafficking, abuse, and neglect in India.
Make a tax-deductible donation to Kolkata Sanved through Driftseed.
National Center for Missing & Exploited
Children (NCMEC)
NCMEC is an organization serving as an information clearinghouse for parents and law enforcement in the United States. Their services include a national missing children’s hotline and database. They collaborate with law enforcement to distribute information and locate missing children.
National Human Trafficking Hotline
The National Human Trafficking Hotline is a toll-free hotline for survivors of human trafficking in the United States. The goal of the organization is to provide individuals with support and resources in order to receive the help that they need.
Project Liberty
Project Liberty is an organization that helps search for and rescue trafficking victims worldwide. They often coordinate with local law enforcement.
Donate: To End Gender-Based Poverty
Aid to Artisans
Aid to Artisans creates economic opportunities for artisan groups around the world where livelihoods, communities, and craft traditions are marginal or at risk. They work with partners in the artisans’ countries and in international markets, leaving behind an infrastructure that continues to support the artisan community long after mentoring is complete.
Global Giving
The largest global crowdfunding community which allows nonprofits to access tools, training, and support.
Grameen Foundation
A global nonprofit that works to enable the poor, especially women, to create innovative solutions to fight poverty and hunger, combining partnership, technology, and self-help solutions.
Heifer International
Heifer International’s goal is to eliminate hunger and poverty. They give animals as well as agricultural and values-based training to people around the world. Those who receive Heifer’s resources must “pass on the gift” by sharing their animals and new agricultural
skills with other families.
James 127 Foundation
Founded by Anna Taylor, the James 127 Foundation is a nonprofit that trains impoverished Kenyan women to become certified Kenyan tailors, teaches them important life skills, and helps place them in jobs after graduation.
Kiva is an international nonprofit seeking to alleviate poverty through microloans. Donors can give start-up funds directly to women entrepreneurs in need.
Pro Mujer
Pro Mujer is a leading women’s development organization providing microloans to poor women in Latin America so they can start small businesses. These women then invest their incomes back into their communities and families, creating a ripple effect.
Donate: To Support Women
American Association of University Women
AAUW seeks to advance equity for women and girls through advocacy, education, philanthropy, and research. They are a member-based organization in the United States working to create gender equality in colleges and universities, in the workplace, and around the world, by providing opportunities in STEM education and careers, closing the gender pay gap, and awarding fellowships to more than 3,500 women in more than 140 countries.
American Jewish World Service
AJWS strives to end poverty and promote human rights in the developing world. They focus on sexual health and rights, civil/ political rights, and land/water rights through grants and advocacy.
Ashoka Fellows are social entrepreneurs selected by the organization to implement their ideas to create social change. Ashoka Fellows work in 93 countries and focus on areas such as social enterprise, environment and sustainability, and civic engagement.
Center for the Education of Women
CEW advances diversity and inclusion at the University of Michigan by serving as a resource, voice, and advocate to empower women and nontraditional students. They provide immediate and ongoing services and financial support to ensure educational success and degree completion.
Equality Now
Equality Now works for the protection and promotion of the human rights of women and girls around the world. Working with grassroots organizations, Equality Now documents violence and discrimination against women and mobilizes international action to support efforts to stop these abuses. Their international network of lawyers, activists, and supporters holds governments responsible for ending legal inequality, sex trafficking, sexual violence and harmful practices, such as female genital mutilation and child marriage. They believe social change often begins with legal change and political will to enforce the law.
Futures Without Violence
FWV aims to advance the health, stability, education, and security of women, men, girls, and boys worldwide. To that end, the organization was a big player in developing the Violence Against Women Act (passed by U. S. Congress in 1994) and continues to work with policy makers and train professionals (doctors, nurses, athletic coaches, and judges) to improve responses to domestic violence and educate people about the importance of healthy relationships.
Global Fund for Women
Global Fund for Women promotes political and economic empowerment for women, as well as reproductive rights and awareness about gender-based violence. They partner with women-led organizations promoting gender equality in their communities and have provided financial support to approximately 5,000 grassroots organizations in 175 countries.
International Justice Mission
The IJM is a global Christian organization that strives to protect the poor from violence in the developing world through a global team of lawyers, investigators, social workers, activists, and other professionals. They strive to rescue victims, bring criminals to justice, support survivors, and strengthen the justice system.
UN Women
UN Women focuses on aspects of human rights that are a priority to women’s equality, such as economic empowerment, peace and security, HIV/AIDS awareness, and stopping gender-based violence. By engaging with grassroots organizations and advocating for legislative reform, UN Women supports women across the globe.
Vital Voices
Vital Voices is an international nonprofit that works with women leaders in the areas of economic empowerment, women’s political participation, and human rights. They identify, train, and empower emerging leaders and social entrepreneurs around the globe. Their work challenges many global problems, including human trafficking and other forms of violence against women and girls.
World Vision International
World Vision International is a Christian organization focused on providing humanitarian aid around the world. Their efforts include health care, emergency aid, and economic development. They partner with other UN organizations such as UNICEF, WHO, ILO, and UNHCR. World Vision also advocates for equality by raising awareness about issues such as child labor and poverty.
Donate: To Support the Arts
American Dance Therapy Association
The ADTA advocates nationally and internationally for the development and expansion of dance/movement therapy training and services. They stimulate communication among dance/movement therapists through social media, publication of the American Journal of Dance Therapy, and the ADTA newsletter.
Art Works for Change
Art Works for Change uses the transformative power of art to promote awareness, provoke dialogue, and inspire action. They address issues such as human rights, social justice, gender equity, and environmental stewardship through traveling exhibitions
Little Stones
Sign up to host a community or university screening of the award-winning documentary, Little Stones.
You can raise funds and awareness for a nonprofit of your choice, while educating your community on global women’s issues and the power of art to create change. Our Little Stones Community Screening Resources make it easy to produce a fun and unique event.
American Association of University Women
AAUW seeks to advance equity for women and girls through advocacy, education, philanthropy, and research. On their website, you can find ways to get involved, including Two-Minute Activism, joining a student organization, and sharing issues on Facebook.
American Jewish World Service
AJWS strives to end poverty and promote human rights in the developing world. They offer study tours and Global Justice Fellowships and host local events across the United States.
Driftseed is a nonprofit dedicated to empowering women and girls through documentary storytelling. Contact the founders for internship and volunteer opportunities: info@driftseed.org
Equality Now
Take action and join grassroots campaigns to end trafficking, female genital mutilation, child sexual abuse, and all forms of violence against women and girls around the world.
Futures Without Violence
To help prevent violence before it starts, FWV has a range of volunteer resources for teens, students, parents, educators, coaches, and healthcare workers.
Global Grassroots
Global Grassroots helps vulnerable women. Volunteer to fundraise or to become a certified Conscious Social Change (CSC) practitioner and travel overseas.
Half the Sky
On the Half the Sky site, you can find a state-by-state guide of US volunteer opportunities on the issue of sex trafficking.
International Justice Mission
The IJM is a global Christian organization that strives to protect the poor from violence in the developing world. Take action and volunteer to be an advocate at the IJM Freedom Commons.
International Rescue Committee
The IRC offers lifesaving solutions for people whose lives have been shattered by conflict and disaster. Volunteer to mentor refugees or help maintain a New Roots garden.
iZōsh International
Through microloans, iZōsh International members help impoverished women lift themselves out of poverty and reduce the risk of oppression and exploitation in their lives. Head to iZōsh International’s website to learn how you and a group of friends can form a microloan Giving Circle. Giving Circles meet regularly to decide which women will receive donations to fund their small businesses.
National Coalition Against Domestic Violence
NACDV seeks to be a catalyst for changing society to have zero tolerance for domestic violence. Sign up on their website to volunteer, raise awareness, sign petitions, and write to Congress.
Soroptimist is a global volunteer organization working to improve the lives of women and girls through programs leading to social and economic empowerment. Join a local club and volunteer with other women in your community.
Tostan is an international organization working to improve issues surrounding human rights, literacy, child welfare, and the environment. Tostan offers two volunteer programs: the Africa Volunteer Program and the Washington, DC Internship Program.
Volunteer Match
On this website, you can search for various terms, including 1600+volunteer opportunities to combat domestic violence.
Zonta International
Zonta International is a group of professionals empowering women worldwide through service and advocacy. Join a local club and volunteer with other Zontians in your community.
Shop Ethically
Little Stones
Support the Little Stones impact and education campaign by purchasing a DVD of the documentary. You can also purchase public performance licenses for community screenings or an educational copy of the film for use on high school, college, and university campuses.
Limited-edition film merchandise, such as tote bags and T-shirts, is also available while supplies last!
Acacia Creations
Acacia Creations has been making eco-friendly, fair-trade jewelry, gifts, and home accents in Kenya since 2007. They go beyond fair trade by creating jobs, providing training, and giving back to communities through education and healthcare initiatives.
Bead for Life
Bead for Life offers a wide selection of Ugandan jewelry and shea butter products that create opportunities for impoverished women in Uganda. Their handmade paper beads are crafted into necklaces, earrings and bracelets. Bead for Life purchases help more than 12,000 people a year in 1,400 households.
Buy the Change
Buy the Change USA sells goods created by women in the developing world who are victims of sex trafficking, gender-based violence, and deep poverty. Their mission is to encourage consumers to buy goods that support undervalued women.
Founded in Brooklyn in 2013, Catrinka creates high quality handbags featuring traditional textiles in a design that works for the urban streets. Every part of the business is focused on financially empowering women and girls, opening doors and creating choices for them so they can have control over their own lives.
Global Girlfriend
Global Girlfriend offers a line of trend-setting, women-made, fairtrade products, including stylish apparel, accessories and gifts with one purpose: helping women in need help themselves.
Global Goods Partners
Global Goods Partners sells handcrafted products by community based organizations in marginalized regions of Asia, Africa, the Americas, and the Middle East. Many of their products are made by former sex workers. Global Goods Partners also provides technical assistance to artisans building sustainable livelihoods.
Judith & James
Founded by Anna Taylor, the proceeds of this clothing line support tailor-training programs for women in poverty in Kenya.
Noonday Collection
Noonday Collection designs and sells jewelry and accessories made by artisans across the globe. To make a difference in some of the world’s most vulnerable communities, they partner with artisan businesses that share a passion for building a flourishing world.
Soko employs technology to provide equal access to opportunity for marginalized artisans. Their supply chain innovation uses the mobile phone to connect independent artisan entrepreneurs to Soko in an ethical and transparent “virtual factory.” With Soko’s mobile tools, artisans have access to an entire world of consumers, expanding their business horizons and entrepreneurial prospects.
Sudara is a certified B Corporation focused on creating jobs and providing skills training for women in India escaping sex-trafficking. Their comfortable pajamas and robes make great gifts for the whole family.
Thistle Farms
Thistle Farms is a social enterprise run by the women of Magdalene in Tennessee. By hand, the women create natural bath and body products. Purchases of Thistle Farms products directly benefit the women by whom they were made. They are the largest social enterprise run by survivors in the United States.
Little Stones
Driftseed teamed up with the University of Michigan School of Education to create the Little Stones Educational Toolkit, featuring: eight high school and undergraduate lesson plans, a classroom film discussion guide, bonus educational videos, and two arts workshops.
All materials engage students on the themes of ending gender-based violence and using art for social change. Resources are free to download and use in the classroom.
Get Information: To End Domestic Violence
Futures Without Violence
FWV aims to advance the health, stability, education, and security of women, men, girls, and boys worldwide. Their website has stats on violence against women and children as well as downloadable and shareable resources dedicated to engaging men, global violence prevention, health, judicial education, policy, advocacy, and workplace safety and inequality.
National Sexual Violence Resource Center
As a non-profit organization combating sexual violence, NSVRC distributes information on research, statistics, prevention, and training curricula. They also coordinate projects on sexual violence, such as Engaging Bystanders in Sexual Violence Prevention and Sexual Violence and the Workplace.
Get Information: To End Female Genital Mutilation
Equality Now
On the Equality Now website, you can download fact sheets on female genital mutilation in the U.S. and around the world, sex trafficking, sexual violence, and legal inequality.
The Orchid Project
The Orchid Project collaborates with other organizations such as Tostan to create and develop programs and hold advocacy events. They focus on increasing resources and raising awareness to end female genital cutting.
Get Information: To End Sex Trafficking
National Center for Missing & Exploited Children
NCMEC is an organization serving as an information clearinghouse for parents and law enforcement. They collaborate with law enforcement to distribute information and locate missing children.
National Human Trafficking Hotline
The National Human Trafficking Hotline is a toll-free hotline serving survivors of human trafficking and the anti-trafficking community. The goal of the organization is to provide individuals with support and resources in order to receive the help that they need.
Slavery Footprint
Slavery Footprint is a website about modern-day slavery. There is an interactive component that allows users to take a survey indicating their tendencies as consumers and calculates the number of slaves needed to maintain that lifestyle.
Get Information: To End Gender-Based Poverty
Care Action Network
The Care Action Network is an international humanitarian organization focused on poverty and gender equality. Their services include delivering emergency aid to areas affected by disasters/war, and advocating for better education, public health, and economic opportunities.
ONE Campaign
ONE is an organization combating poverty and disease, especially in Africa. By running grassroots campaigns and lobbying, ONE encourages governments to increase efforts against preventable and treatable diseases in impoverished parts of the world.
Self-employed Women’s Association
SEWA is an Indian trade union supporting low-income, self-employed women who do not have regular salaries or employment benefits. It brings together workers from different castes who have experienced gender inequality in the workforce. SEWA’s goal is for these women to be fully employed and out of poverty.
Get Information: To Support Women
American Association of University Women
AAUW is a member-based organization working to create gender equality in colleges and universities, in the workplace, and around the world. They have awarded fellowships to more than 3,500 women in more than 140 countries.
Association of Black Women in Higher Education
ABWHE hosts regional, national, and international conferences for networking and professional development. They also advocate for equality for marginalized groups and circulate job opportunities.
Business and Professional Women’s Foundation
BPWF works with employers to promote equality and diversity in the workplace. This research and education organization also conducts research on working women and supports workforce development programs and policies.
Center for the Education of Women
CEW advances diversity and inclusion at the University of Michigan by serving as a resource, voice, and advocate to empower women and nontraditional students.
National Association of Negro Business &
Professional Women’s Clubs
NANBPWC is a nonprofit supporting African-American women in the professional world. Members are provided with professional development resources and opportunities for scholarships.
National Council of Negro Women
NCNW is a nonprofit promoting opportunities for African-American women. Its 28 national affiliate organizations and 200 communitybased sections focus on human rights and welfare. Programs include an early childhood literacy programs and an educational exchange between the US and countries in Africa.
National Women’s Studies Association
NWSA is an organization of individuals in the field of women’s studies with the goal of sharing their knowledge through research, teaching, and service. They have an annual conference in Baltimore to present the latest feminist scholarship.
Women’s eNews
Women’s eNews is a non-profit online newspaper that covers topics about women’s issues and publishes stories about women.
Get Information: On Expressive Arts Therapies
American Art Therapy Association
AATA is a non-profit, non-partisan, professional, and educational organization dedicated to the growth and development of the art therapy profession, which was founded in 1969. AATA provides members with the latest information, resources, and meaningful networking opportunities. The association advocates for the furtherance of the profession and connects members to the important work of art therapists around the world. Learn how you can become an arts therapist, or find an arts therapist in your community on their website.
American Dance Therapy Association
The ADTA advocates nationally and internationally for the development and expansion of dance/movement therapy training and services. Learn how you can become a dance therapist, or find a dance therapist in your community on their website.
American Music Therapy Association
AMTA’s purpose is the progressive development of the therapeutic use of music in rehabilitation, special education, and community settings. Learn how you can become a music therapist, or find a music therapist in your community on their website.
American Society of Group Psychotherapy &
The ASGPP promotes the development of creativity, spontaneity and encounter to enhance the relationship between individuals, families and communities, and works actively to heal and transform society through the knowledge and practice of psychodrama, group psychotherapy and sociometry in all its diverse applications.
International Expressive Arts Therapy Association
IEATA provides a professional guild and an international network for bringing the arts into the world for growth, healing, communication, and collaborative learning. They promote professional excellence and standards of practice in the field of expressive arts. Learn how to become an expressive arts therapist on their website.
National Association for Poetry Therapy
NAPT is a non-profit international organization promoting growth and healing through written language, symbol and story. Members have forged a community of healers, educators and other helping professionals who value the applications of words and language.
National Coalition for Creative Arts Therapies
NCCATA is a national coalition of human service professionals who use art and creative processes to optimize health and wellness. The Coalition includes art therapy, dance/movement therapy, drama therapy, music therapy, poetry therapy, and psychodrama. NCCATA provides a listing of employment resources in the arts therapies as well as a listing of granting agencies and resources for professional development.
North American Drama Therapy Association
The North American Drama Therapy Association was founded in 1979. Drama Therapy is an active, experiential approach to facilitating change. Through storytelling, projective play, purposeful improvisation, and performance, participants are invited to rehearse desired behaviors, practice being in relationships, expand and find flexibility between life roles, and perform the change they wish to be and see in the world. Learn how you can become a drama therapist, or find a drama therapist in your community on their website.
Get Funding
American Dance Therapy Association
The ADTA advocates nationally and internationally for the development and expansion of dance/movement therapy training and services. Their Marian Chace Foundation provides research, education, and film/video grants.
Fractured Atlas
Fractured Atlas is a non-profit tech company that empowers artists, arts organizations, and other cultural sector stakeholders by eliminating practical barriers to artistic expression. They provide insurance for artists and fiscal sponsorship.
Girlgaze supports girls pursuing photography through its publications and exhibitions (called #girlgaze: A Frame of Mind). They also offer grants through The Girlgaze Foundation.
Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs
MCACA is an organization working to strengthen arts and culture in Michigan by increasing its visibility; supporting arts education; encouraging new, creative and innovative works of art; and broadening cultural understanding.
National Endowment for the arts
The National Endowment for the Arts is an independent federal agency that funds, promotes, and strengthens the creative capacity of our communities by providing all Americans with diverse opportunities for arts participation.
Get Help
To Report Abuse
If you are in immediate danger in the United States, call 9-1-1
National Domestic Violence Hotline
For anonymous, confidential help, 24/7, please call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233 (SAFE) or 1-800-787-3224 (TTY).
National Coalition Against Domestic Violence
NACDV seeks to be the voice of victims and survivors, and a catalyst for changing society to have zero tolerance for domestic violence. The NCADV site has a list of helpful resources, including planning ahead, financial education, and cosmetic support.
National Human Trafficking Hotline
The National Human Trafficking Hotline is a toll-free hotline serving survivors of human trafficking and the anti-trafficking community. The goal of the organization is to provide individuals with support and resources in order to receive the help that they need.
Polaris Project
Polaris is a nonprofit that works with human trafficking survivors and provides tip and crisis hotlines. Polaris also advocates for better anti-trafficking legislation and encourages communities to support grassroots efforts.
To Find a Therapist
American Dance Therapy Association
Find a dance/movement therapist in your community by searching the ADTA’s directory.
American Art Therapy Association
The Art Therapy Locator provides a method of searching for Credentialed Professional, Professional, New Professional and International Professional members of AATA for the exclusive purpose of finding an art therapist. AATA member art therapists are bound by the association’s code of ethics and are committed to providing competent health services.
American Music Therapy Association
If you are interested in locating a music therapist, please contact AMTA at findMT@musictherapy.org or by searching their online directory. AMTA National Office staff can provide you with a current list of qualified music therapists in your local area free of charge.
North American Drama Therapy Association
On the NADTA’s website, you can find a drama therapist in the United States, Canada, or internationally.
The American Board of Examiners in Psychodrama,
Sociometry and Group Psychotherapy
The American Board of Examiners has certified over four hundred persons in the professional practice of psychodrama, sociometry, and group psychotherapy. Their members have great diversity in their educational degrees and professional training. Areas of expertise include mental health, law & criminal justice, organizational development and training, and education. You can search for members on their online directory.
Please contact info@driftseed.org to suggest additional organizations for this resource guide.