the story
Little Stones unites the personal narratives of four women around the world using art to create positive change in their communities. From a graffiti artist speaking out against domestic violence in the favelas of Brazil to a dancer rehabilitating sex-trafficking survivors in India, each of these women is contributing a stone to the mosaic of the women’s movement through their art.
This 87-minute documentary directed by EMMY® Award-winning filmmaker Sophia Kruz has been screened over 70 times globally, including at the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women, and on capitol hill for members of congress. LITTLE STONES won Best Documentary at the Vail Film Festival, Best Foreign Documentary at the Female Eye Film Festival, Best of Festival at the Zonta Film Festival, the Audience Award for Best Documentary at the Philadelphia Jewish Film Festival, the Humanitarian Award at DOCUTAH, and an Award of Excellence from Impact Docs.

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For media inquires: admin@driftseed.org
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